The Fundraising Plan Boot Camp
A One-Day Virtual Event
Aug 20, 2022
11 am- 4 pm EDT
Grab Your Team (or Just You) And Join Other Nonprofit Founders And Fundraisers For A Real Work Session And Not Just a Passive Workshop. Get Your Fundraising Plan Done Using My Process That Gets Results.

You’re Ready to Put in The Work to Get Continuous Funds But…
Figuring Out How is Confusing and Frustrating, Right?
Are you tired of being the sole funder? Are you constantly wishing you could have fundraising activities that take stress off the organization, not add to it
I get it…because your to-do list grows and your funds shrink. You can Google “Fundraising Plans” but no one tells you HOW to put them together. If they do, they want to charge you hundreds of dollars to either do it for you or for you to sit in a workshop. Then you leave the workshop with more tasks to add to your to-dos and without an actual plan!
So, you put your notes on a shelf and figure you’ll go back to it someday. But someday never comes and you are stuck on the event hamster wheel.
You sit down to tackle the Fundraising Plan and the questions begin to swirl.
- What Strategies and Activities do you include?
- How do you figure out where the money is coming from?
- And when is this all supposed to be done???
Fundraising Plans Don’t Have To Be That Hard!
When you have all the information you need and a little guidance, Fundraising Plans can be, well, fun.
It’s fun to plan how your organization will have the money you need to cover your costs and build infrastructure.
It’s even more fun when you make the time to get it right and have someone with experience in fundraising to help you decide on your best course of action.
With an experienced fundraising professional, you can bounce ideas off of them and maybe get some new ones. A good fundraising professional will also bring the experience of actually doing the fundraising activity and can give you pointers on the high level planning a Fundraising Plan provides. It might be hard to find the “fun” in fundraising right now… that’s ok! And that’s all about to change…

A 5-Hour Virtual Event
That Will Teach You How To Create A Fundraising Plan
With Implementation Support So You Can Have Your Plan Ready To Execute On Monday
With Your Host, Alesha Mathis
I remember working at a nonprofit…
…and thinking I would love to have eight arms right now (…or better yet—a few clones!)
There just wasn’t enough time in the day for one person to get it all done!
A manager once gave me a book to help with time management, called “The One-Minute Manager.” I remember eagerly reading it, hoping to finally find that “magical” solution to my time management headaches… but by about the fifth page in, I was completely discouraged!
The book talks about delegating and not taking on projects unless you are certain that you can manage them. As a one-woman department at an organization on a VERY tight budget, juggling 20 highly knowledge-specialized projects at any given time… I simply didn’t have anyone to delegate TO!
That was the most frustrating and demoralizing time in my career.
I wish I’d had someone like me to help…
For eight years, I worked for larger nonprofits learning about administration—the nuts and bolts of nonprofits, marketing, and fundraising—how to bring in millions of dollars… I saw how they brought in big bucks and the low-cost & no-cost techniques they used. I studied the industry leaders to hone my craft.
After nearly 15 years in the nonprofit world, I now serve new and small nonprofits. I’ve bundled my frustrations into solutions that help anyone interested in fundraising learn how to raise money for their mission easier and faster.

When You Go Through the
Fundraising Plan Bootcamp, You Will
Jonathan Smith, former Executive Director at Georgia Southern Wesley – Statesboro,
knows what a Fundraising Plan with my process can do for an organization…

Did you catch that? They raised more funds than ever before. All because of the Fundraising Plan I developed for them! The Boot Camp will teach you the same process I used for this Fundraising Plan.
You’ll Walk Away From The Fundraising Plan Boot Camp With…
→ Your custom Fundraising Plan so that you can start implementing Monday.
→ Your personalized Fundraising Plan with multiple income streams so that your organization can be flexible in changing economic conditions.
→ Continuous and manageable fundraising activities so that you are never without income coming in.
→ Clarity on where your funding will come from for the next year so that you can sleep at night.
The Agenda
✅ Introduction
I’ll get you acclimated to the platform and let you know the day’s agenda. No ice breakers here.
✅ Session 1: Your Current Assessment
You can’t figure out where you’re going until you know where you are. In this session, we identify where you are in your fundraising strategy and activities and the infrastructure you already have in place.
✅ Implementation Session/ Q&A
During this time, you will have the time to complete your current assessment worksheet and write that section of the plan. You will have the option to go to your virtual table where you will be able to bounce ideas off others in similar nonprofits or your team, if you bring them. Teams will get the most benefit since you will be able to brainstorm and divide and conquer. Q&As are set up with Alesha Mathis so that you can get unstuck.
✅ Session 2: The Meat of the Plan: Your Strategies and Activities
Now that you know where you are, it’s time to figure out where you are going and how you are getting there through your goals, fundraising strategies, and activities. In this session, we’ll talk about creating sound goals and the strategies and activities you need to reach those goals.
✅ Implementation/ Networking/ Q&A/ Lunch
This is a longer break where you will have the options of working on your fundraising plan, networking in our lounge area, or attending the Q&A room with Alesha to get your specific questions answered. We’ll also allow a half hour for lunch. Manage your time and you can do it all!
✅ Session 3: Measuring Your Plan
Once you have your plan, you will want periodically measure your success and adjust as needed. This short session will give you some tips on doing just that.
✅ Wrap Up
You’ve done it! We’ll wrap up our time together.
If you’re like me, you usually skip to the pricing as soon as you land on a page! If not, then you’re probably ready to know how much this will cost.
I could be like other workshop hosts and make up some dollar value on stuff you don’t really care about, but sounds good, to make you think you are getting a great deal.
or …
I could tell you that if you had been Jonathan, I’d charge you $250 to write your plan for you- a deal compared to most consultants who offer this service and don’t have the experience I do in fundraising. And it’s an even better deal compared to a consultant who is experienced.
But I’m not most workshop hosts and I’m NOT a consultant. I’m a mentor. So how does a mentor create a workshop? They create a boot camp instead!
The boot camp is as unique as I am in this industry. What makes me and this boot camp different? I have the experience to help you finally write that plan at a price that’s affordable.
Register for the Fundraising Plan Boot Camp!
Get the instruction and implementation you need to get funding
Registration Includes:
✅ Access to the Event
Event Includes:
Sessions on the Parts of the Plan
Implementation Time
Expert help
Networking with Other Attendees
✅ All Materials (Worksheets, Templates, Spreadsheets), Needed to Write Your Fundraising Plan
✅ Planning Material Delivered to Your Inbox the Day You Register to Make Sure You Can Hit the Ground Running at the Event
Early Bird (Before August 6th) Pricing
After August 6th Pricing
“I Don’t Have Time To Add Something Else To My To-Do List!”
Register Today For

-Starting at $50-
“I Don’t Think I Can Afford It In This Uncertain Economy.”
Still Have Questions?
Who Is This For?
The Fundraising Boot Camp is designed to help leaders and fundraising volunteers/staff of new and small nonprofits get the basic plan in writing that Funders will want to see and get the nonprofit volunteers and staff focused on fundraising for their organization.
Who is This Not For?
If you are an established nonprofit, then this Boot Camp will probably be too basic for your needs. The Fundraising Boot Camp is designed to help new and small nonprofits get the basic plan in writing that funders will want to see and get the nonprofit volunteers and staff focused on their fundraising.
What Do I Get When I Register?
You will get planning worksheets so you can be ready to hit the ground running. If you don’t get to the planning sheets, it’s okay. It will be harder to create your Fundraising Plan without them. You will also get access to the event and… don’t forget… when you use your time to implement, a Fundraising Plan.
What Is The Refund Policy?
If you cancel before Aug 13, 2022, you can get a full refund. After August 13th, there will be no refunds for any reason.
What Is The Process For Signing Up?
Click the button below the payment option you want. Fill out the form and submit. It’s that easy.
What Is The Refund Policy?
There are no refunds but you can cancel at any time. If you don’t want to be a member anymore for any reason, cancel before your next payment is due and you will not be charged. You’ll get to stay a member until your next payment date.
No strings. No hassles.
What Is The Process For Signing Up?
Click the button below the payment option you want. Fill out the form and submit. It’s that easy.
How Will I Get Access To The Event?
You will get access to the event platform, Hopin. This is where you will join me on the Main Stage for our sessions and then you will go to tables with your team or other like-minded people for implementation. Got some time? You can network in the rooms set up just for that. Hopin is created just for virtual events and offers so much for you to explore.
One Last Note from Me…
I look forward to helping you get off the hamster wheel of events and get control of your fundraising activities. It always excites me to see the transformation and those little moments when all the frustrations are worth it because everything just clicks into place.